Stage 1
Sep 26, 2024

Micro Frontends by Example

A Real-World Test Bed for Micro Frontends Frameworks and Tech Stacks

Michael Geers

About this session

Introducing The Tractor Store, a non-trivial micro frontends example application.

The concept of micro frontends has gained a lot of traction in the last few years. Breaking down a large application into self-contained vertical slices that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently is a powerful concept.

But what does starting a new project with micro frontends look like in practice? Numerous technical decisions have to be made before teams can start developing features. Do we use web components? Should we try server-side only - HTMX-style? Should all teams use the same JavaScript framework? Do we need an application shell or a meta-framework? What about deployment? Module federation? How does our design system fit into this?

In this talk, we'll focus on the technical aspects of building a micro frontend application. I'll introduce you to The Tractor Store, a simple but non-trivial e-commerce application. You can use it as a sample project to evaluate and verify your desired micro frontends technology stack. Or just learn by looking at other people's solutions.

Who should attend?

If you are a developer, architect, or technical lead, and you are interested in micro frontends, this talk is for you. We won't go deep into the topic of "why micro frontends", but rather focus on the "how" and the long-term implication of specific technical decisions. A slight affinity for frontend development is welcome, but not required.

What will you learn?

- Overview of the technical aspects that are important for micro frontends.

- How initial technical decisions can impact all team's projects long-term.

- See what a real-world micro frontend application looks like in practice.

- Learn about the trade-offs of different approaches.

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